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My Music

Too Fast (07/26/2024)

Too Fast (Atlantis Cover Art v2)
"Too Fast" - (07/26/2024)

Your Way (05/16/2024)

"Your Way" - (05/16/2024)

Shelby Street (04/25/2024)

Shelby Street (Official Cover Art V3)
"Shelby Street" - (04/25/2024)

Talk to Me (03/19/2024)

Talk to Me (COVER ART)
"Talk to Me" - (03/19/2024)

Better Late Than Never (2023, Album)

bltn small
"Better Late Than Never" (ALBUM) - (12/05/2023)

BLTN encapsulates a wide range of emotions. It’s completion took the conjunction of heartbreak, tears, laughs, love, hate, insanity, and obsession. Throughout this album you will hear the vulnerable exploration of all the difficulties and nuances of dating in today’s generation. All of the emotions were recorded and processed in real-time. 

Sometimes it feels like I’m opening up a door to something that doesn’t exist and seeing the music manifest in the way it has is something I haven’t given myself enough credit for. A lot of thought, care, and sacrifice has gone into my art. It’s what I’m here to do and I’m certain these musical seeds will flourish. It’s too special. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being early. We’re just getting started. It’s been a difficult career to pursue, but I believe I was born to create. I hope you can find some enjoyment or relatability in these songs. 

Thank you to all the contributors on this project. This would not have been possible without your dedication and talents. Thank you to those who are streaming, purchasing, and sharing. Your appreciation for my art encourages my music to be publicly released. Thank you to God for allowing me to experience the many blessings of life and for giving me strength to navigate the storms. 

Love, Andreas 

Her Only Official Cover Art
"Her Only" - (04/28/2023)

Life is Art (2022, Album)

"Whether you are suffering, or living in euphoria, all are the same; for your life is one beautiful unique piece of art, and it is your masterpiece. Wear it or frame it. Don’t ever neglect it." - Andreas

Life is Art (Official Cover Art)
"Life is Art" (ALBUM) - 11/29/2022

This is a self reflective pop-rap album that portrays a therapeutic journey on self discovery. It took honesty and self acceptance intertwined with the comprehension of traumatic externalizations to unlock the confidence in open vulnerability. You’ll see me breaking cycles and toxic habits throughout this journey. This album contains a piece of my heart. I’ve worked hard to transform myself over the course of this 2 year period. “Life is Art” has encapsulated real emotions throughout failed relationships, family heart breaks, broken dreams, unfulfilled desires, addictions, and shifts in spiritually rooted beliefs. On the contrary, the acceptance of these emotions helped fuel the glimpses of hope in rediscovering my fun, happy, and proficiently humorous personality, which you can find scattered throughout the album. That hope is what brought the completion of this long awaited project and simultaneously saved my life.

Thank you so much to the amazingly talented people that contributed to this album. I am forever grateful for all the help and great times we had during it’s creation.